Statistics show that most car owners do not return to their selling Dealership after their factory warranty has expired. This is based on their previous experiences with the service department and the perception that prices at the dealership are higher than other places. Changing a customer’s perception and providing them with a good service experience begins with the initial service walk. Of course your dealership has a fine service department, the hours are convenient, the rates are reasonable and you have trained technicians, but so do other dealerships and independent repair facilities. Instead of telling them about how awesome your service department is, you should be showing them the department. Walk them through how your service department operates, do they need appointments for an oil change, where they will bring the car in, who they will talk to, etc.
Walking them through the service department helps build trust with the dealership, not only will you sell them a car, but you will make sure the car is running as smooth as possible without trying to charge them for unnecessary maintenance. The perfect service department starts with a customer’s trust.
A good way of building on your customers trust is by keeping in mind that they don’t want to be in the waiting area, and they especially don’t want to wait long hours without being informed of what is being done to their car. Instead of completely ignoring your customer, walk them out and show them what needs to be fixed and why. Communicate with the customer and be honest about expected wait times.
A perfect and well run service department should be very customer oriented. Take the initiative and call a customer if you notice their car should be scheduled for maintenance. For example, not only should the Service Department keep the customer informed about the services their vehicle requires but they should also have a waiting area that is inviting and accommodating, fresh coffee, water, tea and other refreshments should be available for those customers that have a long waiting period. For example: A man walks in with his two kids to get his car serviced for a check engine light, he had no appointment so he was informed that his wait period would be slightly longer than expected. This is not an ideal situation for the customer, the service was unexpected, it interrupted the kids outing to the zoo and now he finds himself having to wait longer than he wanted to. This is where having a kid/parent friendly waiting area is crucial to keeping the customer happy.
Your service department plays a key role in helping establish customer loyalty, train your employees to make the most of it. Remember, it all starts with the service walk.
David Lewis & Associates offers training in Sales, Fixed-Ops, F&I and Internet BDC. Need to train new Salespeople, need a change in your Dealership? Call Today 321-435-6000